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Height with reading

They gather every Friday evening. Their meeting place is at the Town Square Mall near Golgul, around 22 Addis Ababa. There is a Private ...

They gather every Friday evening.
Their meeting place is at the Town Square Mall near Golgul, around 22 Addis Ababa. There is a Private Limited Office of Higher Training and Consulting Services on this building. At 12 o'clock in the evening, the people who are gathered are the readers and readers who are hired every Friday to discuss selected books.

Ados had the opportunity to participate in one such program in the morning. She also noticed the members' stay and the atmosphere of the book discussion. Eight members of the book club were present to discuss the book on this day, a selection of 92 pages, authored by Nathaniel Brandon, published in 1992 and published in The Power of Salvation Estim.

At the beginning of their stay, the reader and presenter took thirty minutes to give a brief overview of the book. Participants then shared their perspectives, perceptions, and perceptions within the allotted time. It was two o'clock in the evening while they were having a cup of tea and coffee. For the following Friday, they parted ways to discuss a different book.

This preparation is provided by a high level training and counseling service. The organization also consults with various institutions; Provides a variety of psychological trainings, including journalism. This book discussion is also one of the activities of the organization, according to the manager of the company, Tatek Getachew.

Reading circle
much respect today, books and works extremely shortsighted yemenit’egibechewi WYSIWYG dereÅ¡iyeti hear at different times of the reading circle results. Reading clubs play an important role in encouraging people who are just beginning to read together, to understand what they are reading, to apply it in their lives, or to use it as a source of knowledge. Beyond this and beyond, writers and writers are created in reading clubs.

There are still many reading clubs. In both cases, book discussions abounded in Addis Ababa, where they stumbled upon the Covenant 19 epidemic. They are still available. It is among them: This is the issue of reading clubs under the Higher Training and Consulting Service.

Explain that the high level of training and counseling is related to the experience gained in reading and the height of vision. They told us that the organization started with the motto, "If anyone wants to be influential in his vision, he must read a book."

If people do not change their mind, it will be difficult for them to change their ways. As a result, they say, working on people's thinking is a priority. "With two or three trainings a year, it is impossible to change people's lives, so they have found a solution to make it work and to have more readers," Tatek said.

The club, which is still in its infancy, now gathers a variety of readers three days a week on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; Connects. Readers who have formed a reading club on this basis will also discuss selected books. What do you understand? What do you understand? What do you think of the book? Etc. Each reading club has eight members.

Higher Training and Consulting Services plans to expand this experience beyond Addis Ababa to regional cities. In doing so, he continues to strengthen his support of the established clubs.
High altitude now helps the readership in many ways. For example, he selects the books he discusses each week. To help with this, it has developed from twelve to fourteen categories. These categories are based on book themes; They include business, health, education, social life, spirituality, leadership, and so on.

The meeting place is also organized by the organization, which provides food for members, home-grown corn, water and tea. Newcomers will also be introduced to the related scientific methods of reading before entering. Anyone who loves to read can join the club by paying three hundred and fifty birr a month.

According to Tatek, the information they receive through education and various trainings not only helps the students to read and be encouraged to read; It also helps them to develop the habit of reading. He further added that the experience will also help them develop the information and knowledge they have acquired, the new ideas they have learned, and the new perspective on what they have seen.

"It is also important for members to be able to help them choose their own way of life, rather than suddenly reading every book they can find." The club will help them develop their reading skills in general, ”he added.

Elevation Purpose Training and consulting services, as the name implies, provide counseling services to organizations as well as the necessary trainings in a variety of forms and styles. Establishing Heights Reading Clubs He began his career of reading Heights about three years ago.

In this regard, the main objective of the organization is to work on the generation, the thinking of the people. As mentioned above, there is a strong belief that a country can be transformed by the actions and actions of an organization. Another issue is expected to follow.

As they share their views on this subject, they cite the example of large countries that have been transformed by the use of human resources. And they believe in exploiting the potential of the individual in the community. That is why they say they are moving forward with a mission to change the country through reading and thinking.

To that end, they have given priority to building artistic villages that can have an impact on the next generation of vision. They also began to work on ways to solve the problems they saw in the community.
"When we started, we had five values," they said. The first of their values ​​is excellence. It is believed that there is a better way for everything. The second is service, which is a way of life and should not be considered a part of work, he said.

The third is passion. This is based on the premise that if people work with their own interests and abilities, work is a pleasure, not a necessity. If so, success is not far off. The fourth is teamwork. This is one of the most important issues in the organization: They believe in working together. Fifth and foremost is the value of leadership. In high-level counseling and training services, it is believed that falling and rising are associated with leadership.

The organization, which has five major and in-depth values, also has five major services. These are the two types of training and counseling mentioned above. In addition, working with children and young people; They include organizing events and doing great work, including the Book Readers Club, by forming various visual clubs.

In the early hours of Friday morning, during a book discussion at the organization's office, she had an informal briefing with some of the book discussion participants. At the same time, many say that they are strangers to such experiences, but at the same time, they find it very useful. At the same time, they noted that their attitude toward reading was developing and that they were encouraged to read more books. They also expressed the hope that it would help them develop their ability to speak.

Reading, interacting, and consulting are key activities in shaping people's thinking and thinking. Any civilization in the world today is born of desire, but it is born of reading. It seems that the High Level Consulting and Training Service understands this well and is striving to bring the heights of Ethiopians to the forefront. We hope that a small step today will bear fruit tomorrow.

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