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10 Common habits that may harm your kidneys

Kidney dysfunction, kidney stones and kidney failure are among the most common diseases in recent times. These diseases usually result fro...

Kidney dysfunction, kidney stones and kidney failure are among the most common diseases in recent times. These diseases usually result from a lot of wrong habits that a person practices during his day, which leads to the emergence of diseases related to the kidneys.

And the newspaper "Al-Youm Al-Sabaa" quoted an Egyptian consultant in urology, Dr. Muhammad Zaki, as saying that there are 10 tips, if followed by a person in his daily life, that might avoid him to a large extent many diseases and problems related to the kidneys.

These tips are explained in the following points:

1- Refrain from drinking carbonated water, as it is one of the most dangerous drinks that cause kidney failure and harm the kidneys of children in particular.

2- To stop eating all kinds of flavored fried potato chips, prevent children from them and replace them with fresh fried potatoes at home.

3- Avoid all kinds of smoked and processed meat.

4- Gradual reduction of salt in various foods, as this protects the kidneys from many dangers.

5- Avoid excessive intake of citrus fruits and pickles, because they increase the proportions of salt and pus in the body, which negatively affects the kidneys.

6- Paying attention to drinking water constantly, because it equals the proportions of salt and pus if it increases in the body.

7- Stop excessive use of pain relievers because they are the main cause of kidney damage.

8- Deep and sufficient sleep during the night and take an adequate amount of physical rest.

9- Paying attention to organizing movement and making sports a daily ritual.

10- Not to be extravagant in focusing on eating proteins, and giving more space for vegetables and salads on the table on a daily basis.

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