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What does Adwa mean to us?

  What does Adwa mean to us? What have we learned from Adwana and other countries? Introduction It has been 121 years since the Ethiopi...


What does Adwa mean to us? What have we learned from Adwana and other countries?


It has been 121 years since the Ethiopian army, led by Emperor Menelik II and the rest of his heroic warriors, invaded Italy. For many years, Adwa has been celebrated every year. Today, all Ethiopians are celebrating this great victory. From the moment he loves his country and wants to build a new Ethiopia on a solid foundation, and by collaborating with foreign powers, knowingly or unknowingly, he has contributed greatly to the collapse of what we see today.

As long as the perpetrator, wearing the Marxist logo and misleading the youth and is responsible for the deaths of thousands of young people, the military regime and thousands of other activists, who do not understand the meaning of Adwan's victory, are confused and confused . " We are proud and proud of the victory of our forefathers over the invading Italy," he said.

Although the victory of our forefathers over Adwa took a great place, they were able to save our country from colonialism by repelling all the foreign enemies who came to invade our country before and after. Adwan's victory was compounded by the fact that, with the help of the most backward weapons of our ancestors, they overthrew the invading forces that were in the throes of capitalism and had a better organizational strategy. After a 40-year hiatus after the defeat of Adwa, Italy invaded again with the help of planes and naval bombs. In a short time, he conquered many lands. It has defeated thousands of educated Ethiopians who are working hard to develop a new strategy for their country. However, after five years of bitter war, the heroic Ethiopian people and leaders, fortified and reorganized in the jungles and mountains, gave victory to the enemy. Ethiopian flag waved in Addis Ababa.

Past wars, victories of Adwana and Maychew all have great significance for us. If our ancestors had not been humble then, we would not have been able to see what Ethiopia is today. Therefore, the victory of our fathers and mothers over foreign enemies is of great significance to us. In light of this, it is fitting to celebrate this great victory every year.

What does Adwa's victory mean?

I do not think we Ethiopians are well aware of the victory of our forefathers over Adwa. First of all, the successive monarchs, especially Emperor Haile Selassie, after Emperor Menelik II's death, were unable to follow the path of development so that our country would not be invaded again. After Emperor Haile Selassie took office, our country was exposed to foreign enemies due to the lack of a strong, active and educated social force in our country as well as an institutional structure. When Italy invaded for the second time in 1928, the structure of our society was feudal and the society was far behind and could not defend itself. We have no technological base and cities are well-organized and our people have not been able to create social wealth by engaging in various activities.

First of all, knowingly or unknowingly - from the point of view of the history of science and sociology - the economic development that Emperor Menelik II and his warriors pursued after the victory over Adwa was, to a lesser extent, the basis of the first Nation-State. However, due to the weak internal forces of the time, the lack of social power that can bring about real liberalism and inclusive growth, the first social order was laid on the same platform for some modernity and a new kind of feudal economy. In other words, because of the complex social structure of the time, it is safe to say that it did not pave the way for a higher and more radical society, but for feudal relations. Combined with the feudal infighting and cunning of this new situation, our Ethiopia has not been able to advance the technological all-encompassing nation-building that Japan has followed. As a result, for the time being, public opinion and attitude towards the central government have not been able to unite the people as a single force.

It is well known that a people and a leader do not retaliate by preparing for another war, but by building a broad-based and strong economy as a free nation so that it can be respected and feed the necessary conditions for future generations. Moreover, by producing better weapons and establishing an independent military force, both the old and the new invaders will be organized in a modern way to drive out the enemy and retaliate. Compulsory science and technology play an important role in the development and organization of modern weapons. A country that is not organized by science and technology, has no interconnected economy, and cities are not connected by various means of communication, and a weak society, as well as a culture that is not developed by science, will inevitably be attacked by internal and external forces. From this point on, our country has been invaded more than once and its internal weakness and volatility today is mainly due to the inability of a well-trained social force to emerge.

Although Adwa's victory was the first step in the building of a nation and society, our country has not been able to produce a patriotic and civilized force with a national character that can sustain this victory and keep it afloat. So, while we may have a history of three thousand years, and we may rejoice that we have been able to defeat the enemy again and again, on the other hand, the result of all this is not pleasing to us. Poverty and hunger, migration and humiliation, lack of self-confidence and foreign powers, as well as deception and obstruction in various ways, unpreparedness for dialogue and democratic debate, as well as hatred of science and technology as our main identities and entanglements of the world. We have become a nation. After 121 years of great victory, we are not honored, we are ridiculed and embarrassed.

Something we should learn from other countries!

Not only us in history, but all the nations without strong economic and social power at the time were forced to take the necessary scientific steps to prevent another enemy from invading and weakening them once and for all. Before Germany was annexed, all its territories were occupied by Sweden, Denmark, Austria, and France. Germany was under constant attack because of the inability of the ruling elites and feudal lords to see beyond their own interests. Recognizing this weakness, the 18th-century Prussian government, which was a little too strong for modernization, took the initiative to consolidate its power by implementing scientific and technological reforms in the region, and eventually gained victory over Austria and France. The regime took this as its main task and carried out a comprehensive internal and external nation building. Greater Frederick II, who was in power at the time, sought advice from philosophers such as Voltaire to overcome the cultural and economic weaknesses of his day. The philosopher Voltaire II, the great Frederick II He argued that it was possible to bring about universal development through science and wisdom. Accordingly, the regime began to build wise cities and villages to develop the internal market and build a strong foundation for the people to have a sense of nationalism. This type of government-sponsored nation-building has opened the door for him to operate on his own, creating new and stronger forces. With the government's comprehensive economic and social development, new forces emerged outside the control of the government and created a conducive environment for creativity. Capitalism was built on a solid foundation by imitating technologies and establishing research and development as well as the Academy of Sciences. The necessary steps were gradually taken at the national level to transform Germany into a cohesive economy. In 1871, Germany, under the influence of feudal lords, was forced to accept the idea of ??a united state. She was able to rule under one banner and one flag. This situation undoubtedly accelerated German development. In a short time, Germany was able to overtake England and France. It was not difficult for the newly emerging elite to bring about universal development and to think outside the region, as dramas such as philosophy, art, and transitions to the German National Theater had already been produced by great scholars.

Russia and Japan have learned from this nation-building lesson that they have been able to withstand the onslaught of foreign enemies. In the 19th century, Japan was besieged by foreign powers . As a result, in a short period of time, Japan has reached the level of technological advancement that it has reached today and has become a respected country that can compete with other countries in technology globally.

In the case of Russia, however, the approach was not entirely the same as in Japan, but its main objective was to gradually lay the foundations for economic and social independence. First of all, the modernization of Russia began with Peter the Great and Queen Catherine the Great, and as a result of the modernization policy, a large number of literary, mathematical, and mathematical scholars were produced. Russia, in a short period of time, opened its doors to theater and classical music, and Russia soon became a major country. However, with Russia being the largest country in the world, this reform did not pave the way for the rise of the elite, and capitalism did not expand in a satisfying way and could boost domestic trade. As a result, modernization and feudal reciprocity were the same social interactions. The existence of such internal strife and the inability of Russia to transition to a liberal democracy have almost certainly opened the door to the October Revolution. In other words, the October Revolution was a historic event. The October Revolution became a historic event, as the power to eradicate internal poverty and backwardness and to fully implement modernity did not emerge in a short period of time.

After the first world war in Russia, Lenin learned from his mistakes and implemented a new five-point economic policy. However, after Lenin's death, the energy-intensive farming process that took place in Stalin was particularly damaging to the farmer. It is also clear to this writer that Stalin killed scholars and collaborators who claimed to be collaborating with foreign spies. At a time when Stalin was confused by the propaganda of foreign intelligence agencies, he could not separate his friend from his enemy. In any case, the main objective of Stalin's economic policy was to quickly convert Russia into an industrial state through collective mobilization. Accordingly, especially in the 1930s. Russia has laid the groundwork for self-defense by building large-scale industrial construction and cities. Observing this, the foreign powers devised a strategy to wage war and destroy it in order to prevent the emergence of another rival government. In particular, US and British intelligence agencies, as well as major corporations, supported Hitler's declaration of war on Russia and devised a strategy to turn Russia into a dynasty. But the Stalinist army and the patriotic Russian people fought valiantly against this foreign enemy. In the end, Russia soon destroyed the invading German army by producing 1,000 tanks and deploying them to war. In a short period of time, Eustalin was able to rebuild his ruined cities, combined with his organizational experience and domestic interest. What does this indicate? The success of the Russian leadership is that the whole country must be built on solid technological foundations and cities in order for a country to be called a nation and to be respected by its people. As a result, in the 1950's and late 1960's and early 1960's, the Soviet Union was able to move ahead of the capitalist countries to give space to science. That's after America She was able to fly into space with the help of a terrifying force, with the help of hundreds of scientists. As we saw in The Hidden Figures recently, black American women in particular have played a key role in technological advancement and flight success.

When we come to China, we see the same story. Not only did China invade Japan, but it also made it difficult for China to weaken the spirit of the nation and to prevent it from developing a strong culture and building a great nation, especially with the declaration of the Opium War. However, in 1949, the Communist Party, led by the great leader Mao Setung, organized a coordinated military campaign to oust the Japanese invaders and establish an independent state. Despite a number of shortcomings, China has been able to lay the groundwork for a later market economy by building internally focused without exploiting and harming other countries. Numerous studies have shown that the Communist Party of China (CPC) could not have undergone market-based reforms if it had not done internally and mobilized the people during the 1950-70s. However, in the 1950s. It is an undeniable fact that the mistakes made and the so-called cultural revolution have led to mass genocide. This kind of genocide has taken place in various forms in capitalist countries as well. By turning to industry. In this way, large-scale exploitation took place in various Western countries and in the United States in order to organize capitalism as an economic entity and give it a national character. African and Latin American countries in particular have made significant contributions to capitalism as a whole. Many imperial studies have shown that capitalism is not a system based on will and the rule of law, as it is said and tried to persuade in any country. Only Japan and South Korea followed the shortest path in a very clever way. By relocating and turning them into industrial workers. In this way, large-scale exploitation took place in various Western countries and in the United States in order to organize capitalism as an economic entity and give it a national character. African and Latin American countries in particular have made significant contributions to capitalism as a whole. Many imperial studies have shown that capitalism is not a system based on will and the rule of law, as it is said and tried to persuade in any country. Only Japan and South Korea followed the shortest path in a very clever way. By relocating and turning them into industrial workers. In this way, large-scale exploitation took place in various Western countries and in the United States in order to organize capitalism as an economic entity and give it a national character. African and Latin American countries in particular have made significant contributions to capitalism as a whole. Many imperial studies have shown that capitalism is not a system based on will and the rule of law, as it is said and tried to persuade in any country. Only Japan and South Korea followed the shortest path in a very clever way.

In any case, there is a lesson to be learned from the invasion and fall of these countries. A country that is strong, clear, and without a patriotic leader or leader will defeat the enemy ten times, but will end up in chaos. In particular, a country without a large domestic market based on science and technology is constantly being attacked by foreign enemies. Although not directly involved, he is forced to cling to the effects of bad habits. Despite its vast natural resources, the forces that do not fully understand the laws of political economics go beyond providing basic necessities, such as shelter, clean water, adequate food, medical care, and basic education. According to Mao Setung, the Ethiopian people defeated Italy for the second time, but after the Second World War, our country easily fell victim to imperialist countries. Gradually, it became a land of strife and exhaustion.

Mistakes made during the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie !!

After Emperor Haile Selassie returned from exile and asserted his power, he embarked on a retreat instead of continuing on what Italy had built. By rebuilding the shattered feudal system, they made our country less scientific and technological. Instead of introducing and expanding modern and inclusive education, they have created a bureaucratic, technological, and social force that despises the general public, not only in terms of nationalism, but also in terms of disruptive education. This is where the materialist theory of Marx works. Because no new segment of society will ever see or think beyond the materialistic conditions that lie on the ground. A broad-based population and a new segment of society will emerge, such as Western Europe, and later Japan and South Korea. Believing in work and discipline, realizing that real social wealth can only be created through work, he reluctantly assumes the necessary natural resources and manpower to mobilize local resources and manpower. Accordingly, it will create the conditions for the building of a national economy. Our unfortunate country, however, has never been able to do so. The regime Moreover, it has created a disparity between the urban population and the more than eighty percent of the rural population, as a result of the inconsistent economic police. Widespread poverty is exacerbated by the fact that the policy is incapable of mobilizing the country's human and natural resources and prevents the creation of real national resources. The policy paved the way for a more erratic economy and prevented this in itself from being an invention. The diversity of cities itself is so large that cities have become breeding grounds for prostitutes and gangs. Moreover, individuals who were motivated to grow on their own did not receive help and advice, so they were forced to move to another location. As a result, instead of developing new production methods and scientific discoveries, expenditure on foreign exchange was wasted. In addition, during the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie, not a single cultural city could be built, and the potential for our country's cultural development was diminished. On the other hand, after five years of occupying and occupying the whole of Ethiopia, Italy was able to build cities that could meet everything, such as Jima. Much of the culture was limited to a limited area of ??Addis Ababa. As a result Our people, as one people and as a strong internal organization, could not be united and their nationalism could not be developed. How can a nation that has not been cared for and despised by its regime and bureaucracy develop a sense of nationalism? Some officials who were concerned about the poverty and backwardness of our country advised the emperor to make repairs, but he did not respond."We know our people," he said. In other words, he was happy and did not seek change. By contrast, what can I do for this great nation, Frederick II, who ruled Prussia in the early 19th century? They were worried. Consider the differences between the two kings. This is how our country is being challenged to become a strong country. The last resort will be to weaken and destroy the country.

In addition, Emperor Haile Selassie left the security and military forces open to foreign spies, which, as we can see today, facilitated the weakening and disintegration of our country. The construction of a large embassy complex, in particular for the US government, was a realization of the regime's intransigence, recruiting forces that could undermine our country's national independence, and invading our culture. He longed for America rather than Ethiopianness. A foundation was laid for him not to be proud of his country and to live in exile. In fact, our country's internal divisions and weaknesses were created during the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie and were orchestrated by bureaucratic and technological forces from one or more ethnic groups. The proliferation of forces in the name of freedom is a reflection of the system, not the root cause of the problem. As the situation deteriorated, however, they were able to accelerate our downfall by using their limited intelligence. They themselves were the product of our society and could not develop a sense of nationalism and fight hand in hand for one country and a people whose national independence was respected. As a result, their desire to secede and disintegrate is linked to immaturity. This was related to the material situation and educational conditions of the time. A country without a republic and a people who cannot use their freedom to create new technologies will inevitably get caught up in negative thinking. Therefore, if there is a true republican administration in a country where there is equality and equality and any section of society has the opportunity to grow, there is no reason for me to secede. Thus, the corrupt economic system of the day did not have the power to promote spirituality and nationalism. As a result, the whole system was prone to lack of discipline, complacency, nepotism, lack of conscience, lack of diligence and lack of responsibility. It is important to study the research of these philosophers in order to understand the shortcomings of our country's scholars, as the complex development of the brain and its moral, ethical, and social characteristics are well studied and used by German philosophers and scientists. We can prove it not only from our country but also from various so-called third world countries in Africa and the rest of the so-called Third World. Hence the general theology of Marx General Intellect can only grow and develop, and take root, only through the construction of an internally based economy. Only in this way can a country produce the products that can be expressed in different forms, which can be used for long-term and short-term consumption. The end result of the incomprehensible tyranny of the machine is the spread of poverty in all its forms.

The greatest historical crime committed during the revolution !!

First of all, such a divisive force in our country is not the result of Marxist ideology, but of its own ideology. Nowhere is it written that bloodshed can take the form of a revolution and liberate the people. On the other hand, just as every new generation interprets the Bible and the Qur'an as a means of gaining power and wealth, in our country Marxism has been misinterpreted by a few individuals and has led to bloodshed. How many readers have read and studied Marx Booth Capital and Surplus Value books as well as Ground work = Grundrisse? However, it cannot be said that some patriotic Ethiopians were not leaders of the student movement. These predecessors, motivated by meekness and patriotism, were finally defeated by the military regime and the bureaucracy. Our country has become a bloodbath of foreign terrorism orchestrated by foreign intelligence. This unnecessary move and the fascist act of the Red Terror followed by the military regime opened up our society. The formation of new negative forces and the formation of a coalition of the country's fraternities They made her a stage. The moral decay of the religion was so great that he became the target of a vicious act of fascism against the teenager.

In any case, the tragic events of that time did not occur in all the lands where the revolution took place. In some lands, though, they may find themselves on the verge of a cataclysmic event. In our history, only the scholars of our country have been shaken by such a disease of bigotry and hatred. By creating a generation that is unable to find its own way, it has created its own world, leaving not only one generation but also three and four generations.

So, instead of making all the necessary changes and implementing them carefully and learning and educating them, they all created their own group and rotated in their own world to destroy the country. The Land Plow Proclamation, the Union of Farmers and Farmers, Women's Organization and Self-Determination, the Preparation and Guidance of the National Democratic Program, all of which were useful for nation building. If they were to act in error and experimentation, and if they all cooperated, we would not be able to see what we are seeing today and we will be forced to mourn and weep. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to learn from his mistakes. " I have never killed a mosquito, not even a human being." It does not come from a sane person, but from a Nazi-minded person. It is not something that can be taken for granted by someone who is self-conscious and self-reliant. A person who is able to question himself and look inside can never kill his brother. This can happen only to those who do not know the meaning of life and who do not understand the meaning of life. Therefore, the crimes committed against the young man and the scholar by a few forces are unforgivable. The end result is a breakdown in national unity. It consumes a lot of energy. It is an unprecedented act of destruction that has ruined history, torn apart families, and alienated one from another. In short, it cannot be supported or explained by any logic. It is a very dangerous practice that violates the laws of society and nature. The whole idiom of politics in the name of the revolution contradicts Adwan's message. He has caused us to disintegrate and distrust rather than unite. It is a very dangerous process that hinders universal development.

What is left of Adwa? What is the situation in our country today?

Attempts have been made to eliminate almost all of the reasons why Adwa's victory was not fully implemented and that we were unable to secure our national independence. It is well-known that after the Second World War, imperialist forces invaded weak countries and did not directly invade lands. The reasons given vary. Especially if some weak countries have a nationalist agenda. Or they may be trying to justify their actions by going to war with another country. As a result, some countries have developed a nationalist agenda in order to develop their country, but it has been thwarted by a conspiracy by foreign powers. One of the main strategies of the Imperialists was to dismantle the conspiratorial ideology of many Third World countries, which had spread since the Second World War. Particularly in the field of education and ideology, as well as cultural invasion, the country's political independence has been marred by numerous struggles and bloodshed. The various obstacles that keep weak nations from being able to stand on their own two feet are not only from outside forces but also from the one who came to power Countries like Ethiopia will not be able to build a society based on science and technology through a corrupt curriculum that will teach new students. They will be made to suffer in poverty for eternity and will not be able to make history. Poor people do not understand the meaning of life because of their weak thinking. They beg in their name, as if they were created for poverty and misery. As a result, they are deprived of their God-given natural freedom and are barred from deciding their own destiny and forming a family and a community. This is especially true of the last 26 years in our country. They have been able to weaken our internal and external forces and weaken our people in war. Ethiopians trained in various fields have greatly distorted the development of our country by engaging in political and non-political fields. They have brought us poverty and misery. Coffee and flowers, as well as sugar cane, have made us vulnerable. By investing in agricultural exports instead of technology, they have made everything possible for our country to be permanently dependent and poor. Developers of this type of economic policy are graduates of Princeton and Harvard University. Instead of bringing prosperity, those who create poverty create a distorted and confused society in our country. You did. As a result, our people were thrown to the ground as they roamed the villas and special entertainment venues. He was forced to eat from the garbage. Today, at least 50 people have been killed in a landslide that engulfed our poor brothers and sisters in search of food and other supplies. This is what we are left with. This is the most talked about and consistent meaning of economic growth !!

As I have tried to show above, the emperor and his bureaucrats did not understand the basics of a country's development, so they weakened our internal power by implementing an unsustainable economic policy without much discussion and debate. Due to unrest in the Revolution, the scholar was barred from debating development policies that would benefit our country. The imperialist forces, armed with internal forces and invading us from outside, have put our country under great pressure, claiming that the economic policies taken by the Derg during the Derg regime are a command economy policy and that the country is following the socialist path.

When the current TPLF regime comes to power, its main objective is to completely eradicate the “nationalist program” that the Derg is supposed to follow and to mislead our country in the name of market economy and pursue a policy that destroys resources. Therefore, by fattening a certain part of the society and including it in the hierarchical hierarchy of power, it is to take complete control of our country and to corrupt the minds of our people and weaken its spirit. The neo-liberal economic policy, known as neo-liberal economic policy, is aimed at undermining the true development of our country and undermining our people. Not only that, but by training the regime to be a fascist force by training the spies and snipers, our people and the few intellectuals who are fighting for democracy and freedom will live forever in fear. In this regard, we have reached such an embarrassing level today that we have seen our intellectual weakness and embedded some of their victory over the imperialist forces that have not been directly invaded by dividing our country into regions and languages. For the first time in our history, we are greatly humiliated. Our people have been weakened in every way and made weak. In short, the internal and external forces have joined hands to prevent the full implementation of Adwan's victory and to build a civilized Ethiopia. This is a matter of the TPLF regime and its policy It is not a matter of how clear it is to the forces that we oppose and fight. It is safe to say that I am a leader, so I do not think it is clear to the Ethiopians who are running here and there that power belongs to me, as well as the TPLF regime and the destruction of our country.

In light of this, the future of our country is a matter of grave concern. It is a well-known fact that the current regime will be overthrown by the confusing politics and inability to meet the needs of our people. Never before in history has a regime been more oppressive, more oppressive, and more powerful than the rest of the world. Thus, the TPLF regime may last for a while, but it is certain that one day it will be destroyed. Until then, it will weaken our country with its leaders. It makes our people even more vulnerable. As a result, it is inevitable that the disgruntled forces will continue to organize and arm this TPLF regime, as well as the foreign powers that have been consulting with it. It means we are trapped in a turbulent environment. In any case, we should not be intimidated by this. Because there is something that can be tested and verified by any force. If a regime or force cannot meet the needs of the people and build the country on a solid foundation, then the TPLF will be held accountable when it comes to power. Moreover, world conditions are changing. Nothing will stop. Their own The status and power of imperialist countries also change. A powerful government can never be strong. In particular, it is a matter of history that foreign powers that invade countries and subjugate weak countries with their natural desires will one day be defeated. They are forced to question their community process. On the other hand, regimes will be transformed into dictatorships. After being elected in the name of democracy, they create a new social conflict by changing the political matrix to suit their own interests. As a result, they are gradually losing their power as they confront the people. This is a fact that we see in the United States today. As they stare, their strength is gradually diminished. This is a fact that we see in the United States today. As they stare, their strength is gradually diminished. This is a fact that we see in the United States today.

Therefore, our preparation should not be a matter of despair, but of the seriousness of the matter. This requires that you break free from old thinking. The younger generation in particular must find itself. You have to work day and night to find the real key to growth. It must be governed by its own conscience, not by a trailer. It should be a force to be reckoned with. Only in this way can it fulfill its historical mission.

What can we learn from all of this? What is the responsibility of our Adwa fathers and mothers?

There is a great deal of error on the part of our Ethiopian scholars. We all seem to understand that a country can only be built on ordinary academic knowledge and the principles of the rule of law. How did we all go back to Switzerland, Austria, Sweden and Germany, and how did South Korea and Japan come to such a complex society? We never hesitate to ask. Therefore, we do not hesitate to examine and study the contribution of consciousness and moral strength to the building of a new society. We think we can only build Ethiopia as a nation by throwing out ordinary democratic principles and making some speeches and practicing the West. Today, we can say with certainty that all the steps we have taken so far will not move us forward. Our main goal is to see a strong and scientific and technologically advanced Ethiopia and pass it on to the next generation. Our main goal is to seize power here and there and prolong the period of poverty. Although this is not our intention, what we write, say, and

Basically the key to our problem is locks. It simply cannot be solved. It does not move us forward. It only drives us into a certain world. It is not conducive to a wide and complex and thriving world. It is well-known that a garden can bear good fruit only when it is well cared for. The same is true of the human body and head. Anything good or bad can be done or created by our brain structure and growing over time. Nothing can go on and on without our minds and thoughts. The mind and the resulting mindset are the product of cultural development. Indirectly, culture is a product of our own thinking and reasoning. In other words, we can reduce many things and achieve peace only if we exercise our power of reason. This means that we have become reconciled to the world of science and philosophy in order to simplify human life, not through deception.

As we will see, this is not just a time of turmoil, a time of complex technology. In this world, nations can only survive as long as we build a broader economy by guiding science and creating new technologies, not by saying "Ethiopia will live forever" and waving flags. Basically, we cannot recreate technology. It is prepared and finished. Everything is in a book. We can copy or download instructions from all over the Internet. It is also possible to imitate the physical body and integrate it with one's own situation. The point is, there must be a determination and a force to be reckoned with. Only then can the obligation of history be fulfilled.

Therefore, what our fathers and our people expect of us today is not to confuse and confuse us, but to gather history and make history. Each of us has a short life span. But in this short time, we have to do some good work. That is why we need to stop and ask ourselves. Only by asking and trying to find an answer can a great nation be built for all citizens. Adwa's message is to create a democratic, prosperous and beautiful country where every citizen can live freely. Adwa's message is that public love, social cohesion and brotherhood will be created. Adwa's message, guided by science and technology, is primarily to meet the needs of the masses and build a strong economy and pass it on to the next generation. The message of Adwa is to create a world where our people can live happily by building beautiful cities and villages. Adwa's message is to renew the natural bond between us and our country and establish a new Ethiopia. In short, Adwa's message is to create a country where its people can live in freedom and dignity. Adwa's message is not to see a country threatened by people with tanks and planes, but to cultivate a renewed and self-reliant citizen.Good understanding !!

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