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Breaking news- The intelligence information released by the CIA about Ethiopia

The United Arab Emirates has donated 60 million dollars for humanitarian aid to those affected by the war. Bahir Dar: July 12/2014 (Amico...

The United Arab Emirates has donated 60 million dollars for humanitarian aid to those affected by the war.
Bahir Dar: July 12/2014 (Amico) The United Arab Emirates has provided 60 million dollars in humanitarian aid to the war-affected people in Amhara, Afar and Tigray regions in northern Ethiopia.
According to Claude Gibidar, Ethiopia's representative of the World Food Program; They announced that the support will be used for emergency food supply for children, mothers and the weak who have been displaced from their villages due to war.
He explained that the support provided by the United Arab Emirates was done at the right time. The representative pointed out that support will be provided as soon as possible.
The representative stated that following the government's permission for humanitarian aid to enter the Tigray region, the humanitarian aid provided by the World Food Program has been greatly increased.
According to the information obtained from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; In the last 10 weeks alone, more than 130 thousand tons of food and other humanitarian aid have been sent to Tigray, the representative said.

In the 2014 fiscal year, more than 336 billion birr was collected!
The Minister of Revenue Ato Lake Ayaleu announced that the Ministry of Revenue collected more than 336 billion birr in the last fiscal year 2014.
It is stated that the ministry has achieved 93.53 percent of the plan by collecting 336 billion 710 million 021 thousand 930 birr out of the 360 ​​billion birr it plans to collect this fiscal year.
Minister Ato Lake Ayaleu said that compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year, the performance is 57 billion 494 million 923 thousand 697 birr or 20.59 percent growth.
The source of collected income is 196 billion 211 million 638 thousand 548 birr from domestic tax. According to the data of the Ministry of Revenue, foreign trade, duties and taxes are 140 billion 498 million 338 thousand 382 birr.
It has been stated that the Ministry of Revenue, which was tasked to achieve the efforts of Ethiopia to build a national tax administration in 2022 and to cover national expenditure with its own income, has successfully continued to strengthen its capacity to collect income.
It was pointed out that the collection of the revenue in a situation where many institutions are out of business due to the war in the country, where the business activity has slowed down due to the war, where the institutions are not able to do their work properly due to the conflicts that occur in various areas and the business community has not done its work calmly, it is suggested that the performance may be considered better.

Sudan announced that the border was opened after a constructive dialogue with the Ethiopian authorities.
It will be remembered that a month ago, Sudan filed a lawsuit claiming that seven members of the Sudanese army and one civilian were killed in Ethiopia's defense.
At the time, the Ethiopian government expressed its sadness at the loss of human lives and stated that the information spread in Sudan was far from the truth.
The Ethiopian government mentions that the problem occurred in the Ethiopian army and it should not be forgotten that the problem occurred with the local militia and not with the defense army.
Following this accusation, Sudan closed the Galabat border crossing a month ago.
Suna, the Sudanese news agency, informed the Technical Committee of the Security and Defense Council of Sudan that the decision to open the border crossing was made after the leaders of the two countries agreed to resolve the problem at the border.
It has been stated that "the goodwill shown by Ethiopia" to control the armed forces in the border area is one of the reasons for the opening of the border gate.
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.) and Sudanese leader Lt. General Abdel Fattah Al Burhan recently attended the IGAD meeting in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya.

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